CLARITY is MBPI’s mobile app that transforms the consumer delivery experience. CLARITY helps you with its time saving process, which results in increased profits and improved satisfaction ratings.
CLARITY is about engagement, efficiency and empowerment.
It brings transparency to the F&I process with innovative technology putting the customer in the middle of the entire process, breaking down barriers and building trust.
CLARITY Transforms F&I
CLARITY shows your customers the value of intangible F&I products, building value in a way that is simply not possible without using technology and short but comprehensive videos. The combination of technology and motion graphics is quickly becoming the standard for driving consumer’s purchasing decisions.
CLARITY is about targeting Gen Y without alienating other generations. Gen Y will be the largest consumer market for years to come. Gen Y’s are practically born with tablets in their hand and are trained by platforms like Amazon, ITunes Store and many others to assist them in their buying decisions.
CLARITY is showing customers how F&I products fit into their monthly budget, allowing them to plan for unexpected expenses ahead of time.
Use of technology, i.e. tablets and flat screens, by dealers during the sales process can substantially improve customer satisfaction among new vehicle buyers, according to the J.D. Power 2015 U.S. Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) Study.
What is CLARITY ?
CLARITY is a seamless software application integrated with the MBPI Rater system that allows the finance manager to guide the purchasing process while still allowing the customer to feel like they are in control by using tablet devices and flat screens.
CLARITY by MBPI is available at both the Apple App Store for Apple products and Google Play for Android platforms.
To ensure peace of mind all of our products are backed by A.M Best “A” rated Underwriters. With MBPI you won’t be caught with a provider that can’t provide for you in the future.
Ready to find out what MBPI can do for you? Contact us at 250 NE Mulberry, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086, (800) 325-7484,